Tuesday 26 November 2013

Focus Group

Focus Group

For research into what to include in our music video , we created a focus group made  up of our 'typical' target audience and ask their opinions on a set of questions. Their answers will help shape how we create our music video.The video of our focus group is embedded below:


From the focus group we have learned that a performance based video was preferable due to the lyrics of the song. The focus group believed that it would be hard to have a narrative due to this. The best location for our music video would be a party , studio or dance hall and make sure we include a dance routine embedded throughout. Their favourite music videos were Katy Perry's videos as they found them fun , Jessie J's Who's laughing now because of the bright colours used ,Beyonce's music videos as she always have a strong dance routine and finally Michael Jackson's music video's also due to having dance routines. 
We found that our focus group dislike when pop videos don't have a variety of shots and when they only focus on one member of the group throughout the video. Also they claimed that they disliked it when the main artist remained stationary throughout the majority of the video. Finally they stated that they didn't like it when the video doesn't have any relevance  to the song.

So therefore looking at these results we believe our video will be performance based and will revolve around a party scene. During this scene we intended to embed dance routines throughout. Additionally as the use of bright colours were perceived as important we will enhance this by using green screens. We intended for our video to be fun and lively , this will be achieve by using a variety of shots and cuts. In addition to this we will have our video artists moving frequently and avoid being stationary for long periods of time. Lastly we will try to the best of our ability to make sure the video is relevant to the lyrics and song.

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