Tuesday 19 November 2013

Conventional music video analysis

Six freeze frames analysis

For research into the pop convention , individually I went on to research Katy perry and her pop conventions. Katy Perry is conventional within pop music as she has very up-beat songs and the use of bright colours in her music video. My more in depth analysis is shown below.

This screenshot portrays many aspects that are typical in pop music videos. The bright colours are a typical convention of pop and these are presented through the costumes that are worn and the streamers that are hanging over the banners. The colours used have connotations of fun, happy and excitement. The lyrics in the background “we’ll do it all again” implies to the audience that they are having a great time. This implies to her audience that by listening to this song that you will as well have the time of your life and feel like you are at a crazy party for the duruation of the song.
This second screenshot represents a typical convention of pop genre music videos. This is a close up of Perry, this portrays to the audience that she is still the focal point of the video even through a large number of people are present within the video. Additionally the background is blurred which supports this idea as Perry is fully in focus. Perry does this to remain in control and remind the audience that the party revolves around her, she is the life and soul of the party.

This third screen shot follows the typically convention that pop music follow a far fetched storyline. This music video follows a typical love story and this is shown through this long shot. It is very far-fetched as the male is portrayed as a knight in shining armor and Perry appears to be princess awaiting her prince. Pop culture tends to take a rose tinted view at most aspects of reality. Additionally this portrays the idea that if you listen to perry's song that you will escape reality for a while and enter a fairytale land. 

This screenshot portrays a typical convention of pop music videos. The majority of pop music videos include a dance scene which typically includes quite a few people. Perry uses this convention throughout the video as dance scenes are included throughout. This is a convention as pop music has originated from dance music which means that artists intend to use this in their videos.

This wide shot shows a lot of Perry’s star motif’s . As shown in ‘Tgif’ and this shot from ‘California gurls’ it portrays that Perry is very well known for bright colours. In addition to this her video’s tend to be quite far-fetched as in this shot she is walking through a forest made of sweets and is wearing a candy dress. Perry does this to stand out from the crowd , she wants her music and video's to be different and interesting. She want to keep her audience interested and make them believe that anything can happen. In the majority of her videos she appears to be in another world and this is how she therefore portrays this to her audience.

Lastly a convention of pop music videos is the artist presenting themselves in a sexual manner. This is used to try and lure the audience in. Perry in the screen shot is only covered by a ‘Cloud’. Additionally she has a direct mode of address while winking which portrays that she is aiming it directly at the audience. This is appealling to the 'Male gaze' , due to her childlike candy theme video , she want to appeal to all genders and ages. By appearing naked she appeals to male's sexual sense and therefore draws them in. All of the aspects she includes in her video is to maintain her audience and even attract new people to listen and buy her music.

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