Wednesday 11 September 2013



My name is Faye Curry, I am 17 and I am currently studying at Swakeley's sixth form
My candidate number is 3047.

During the course of media AS we have covered a variety of topics starting with TV dramas. In this topic we explored conventions , representations and stereotypes which are found within a typical tv drama. The focus was on 6 main themes such as gender, ethnicity, disability and class and how these were represented.
Additionally our next topic was music, Throughout this topic we looked at how the music industry works and the stages music has to go through to be produced. Similarly we looked at issues faced by the music industry like the growth in illegally downloaded music.
Woven within this course camera ,filming and editing skills have been learnt and tested. Towards the end of the year we were given the opportunity to create an opening sequence to a movie. This involved us planning , filming and editing these sequences and enabled us to show all the skills that we have acquired.

This blog is going to show my thought processes throughout the year while I produce my A2 media portfolio. Within this my group (Kala Hill : , Georgia Pearce: and myself) will be creating a music video of our chosen artist. This will be accompanied by a magazine advert and a digpak.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent first post introducing your knowledge and understanding.

    Well done Faye; looking forward to your blogs development!
